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Vision: Whenever I open my mouth, I may
fearlessly reveal God's Word,
as an ambassador of Christ cleverly
disguised as a wife, mother, and writer.
Mission: I will accomplish this vision in 6 ways –
1. Study to show myself approved. (2 Timothy 2:15)
2. Accept God's good plans for me. (Jeremiah 29:11)
3. Spend intimate time with God on a regular basis. (1 John 4:15)
4. Submit to the Godly headship of my husband and church leadership.
(Ephesians 5:22)
5. Be ready to respond at any time with the hope that lives within me.
(2 Peter 3:15)
6. Fulfill God's plan and work in my life. (2 Timothy 4:5)
Manifestation: I will know I am living in God's vision for me
when –
I see people drawn to God by the written word and the spoken word,
provoking others to jealousy, causing them to seek their own intimate
relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
To see more about developing your own Vision, Mission, and Manifestation
statement, visit:
www.acfwcolorado.com and read my posting for June 17, 2009. |
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Quiet Moments Alone with God welcomes you into a journey of discovery,
where you will learn how to live in God's presence while you seek His
plan for your life. Plan to spend some time getting to know the God Who
wants you to stop, breathe, think and act out His very best for you. Available at your local Christian Book stores, Amazon.com,
Lifewaystores.com, Barnes and Noble, and select Walmarts. |
Over 6,700 Copies

You've said, "I do." Now, how do you love your husband in a way that
brings honor to him, to yourself, and to the God who gave you the gift
of marriage? 100 Answers to 100 Questions about Loving Your Husband
provides the insights you need in the areas that matter most to you. Available at your local Book stores,
Christianbooks.com, Amazon.com,
Borders, and Barnes and Noble. |
I used to think that my writing was my ministry. However, I've recently come to understand that it is simply a
tool for the ministry God puts me in.
This goal of this ministry is to draw people into a closer
relationship with God, using His Word in a way that glorifies Him and edifies the person reading or hearing the word. If either of these elements is not met, I have failed in my purpose.
In the long run, my desire would be that each person would
hear directly from God, and be able to confirm what they hear from God's Word,
the Bible.
Whether it be fiction or non-fiction, Christian or secular, I am compelled to ensure that all I do points
people to God, by the Word. |

Visit my Photo Album to get to know more about me! |